Consumer Goods





The Fishing Was Good – It Was the Catching That Was Bad

Famous writer and fisherman A K Best said it best – pardon the pun – with his quote: ‘the fishing was good, it was the catching that was bad’. Although he was not referring to traceability systems, the quote sums up one of the main reasons for implementing traceability on seafood: to prevent non-compliant fishing practices.

Consumer Goods - July 5, 2024 midnight

AI Helps Deter Wine Fraud

In the world of wine retailing, where the origin of a grape can massively impact the value of the finished bottle, the temptation to pass off one provenance of grape in favour of another is overwhelming.

Consumer Goods - January 17, 2024 midnight

Fashion and Sportswear Industry Advocate for Digital Labelling

In an open letter, 130 global fashion and sportswear-related organisations, including the Apparel and Footwear Association and the International Apparel Federation, have called for digital labelling to reduce waste and increase consumer access to information.

Consumer Goods - September 29, 2023 midnight

Nike Joins Surge in NFC Tags on Sneakers

Nike is conducting a pilot programme with AntChain for a new sneaker featuring an NFC chip. The programme enables consumers to access product origin information by tapping their smartphone against an NFC chip on the sneaker.

Technical Features - August 30, 2023 midnight